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Earlier I asked about writing out DGN files with coordinate system.

That's apparently not possible until now.


But I would like to know how I can use seed files to get at least the symbology of a seed file into the DGNV8 writer.


  • I referenced the seed file in the settings part of the DGNV8
  • I reference a cell file in the settings as well


I read my data in,

define the level names in an AttributeManager based on the input data,

use the PROJReprojector, to adjust the input data to the coordinate system of the seed file,

and connect to a dynamic DGNV8 writer.


In the DGNV8 writer I am missing the possibility to state that colour, style and weight will be used on the level, and not the individual object in the level.


The level and level overrides section in the writer I cannot understand. My output dgn consists of multiple levels, yet the settings seem to point at one level only.

Hence, I do not know how to configure the writer correctly.

Leaving the level settings part undefined, but setting colour, style and weight in the level overrides section is not reflected in the output file.


I also tried to use the DGNStyler before writing out and have the AttributeManger with conditional values for colour, style and weight, depending on the level, but that isn't reflected in the output file either.


Hi @Thomas Becker​ , use your source file

imageor create colors/styles/weights image

As described in my initial posting: I do exactly that. -> referring to my seed file

With respect to your workspace -> every DGNStyler requires its own DGNV8 writer?

HI @Thomas Becker​ not necessary use DGNStyler , use AttributeManager


I use the AttributeManager to establish four conditional values, based on the fme_feature_type value.

The four conditional values are:

  • dgn_level_name -> used in the DGNV8 writer as the 'Level Name'
  • dgn_level_color -> used in the DGNStyler as 'Index Number'
  • dgn_level_weight -> used in the DGNStyler as 'Line Weight'
  • dgn_level_style-> used in the DGNStyler as 'Line Style'


imageimageThe next two screenshots show the expected solution on the left ant the FME created file on the right.

  1. both with Level Overrides


  1. both with Level Overrides turned off

