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When investigating access to geopackages from network drives, a temporal difference in loading behavior between geopackages created by FME and geopackages created by QGIS was determined.

In comparison, GeoPK created in QGIS will load 10 times faster when opened in QGIS than GeoPK from FME.

The reasons for this behaviour and an evaluation of possible steps to remedy the problem could be investigated.



  • geometry Constraint
  • Dimension Constraint
    • FME: = xyzm
    • QGIS: = xy
  • Version des Geopackages
    • FME: 1.0
    • QGIS: 1.2

Probably the difference depends on the version of Geopackage:

  • FME: 1.0
  • QGIS: 1.2



  • What does the time difference depend on?
  • If from version, then how can the version in FME be changed from Geopackage 1.0 to 1.2?

Thank you in advance

@dllist Do you have a couple of example tables you could send us (mark at or include with this post?

@dllist Do you have a couple of example tables you could send us (mark at or include with this post?




I apologize for late answer, but I had holidays last time. I'm trying to add these geopackages here, but it shows me "This attachment is not permitted because the file type is invalid". How can I send it to you? The size is 38 MB.



Many thanks in advance


I hereby send you these examples of Geopackages

Thanks a lot


@dllist Thanks very much for sharing the data. We haven't been able to replicate the discrepancy between QGIS and FME. If anyone else sees this issue please let us know and we'll take another look.

Hi @dllist,

We've had a very similar case when loading in QGIS a Geopackage generated with FME 2018 was much slower than loading a Geopackage generated by QGIS itself. The issue was solved updating FME to FME 2020 and choosing the appropiate geometry type.

FME 2020 has a new Geopackage writer which added new geometry type support:

I hope this helps!


@dllist Thanks very much for sharing the data. We haven't been able to replicate the discrepancy between QGIS and FME. If anyone else sees this issue please let us know and we'll take another look.

Hi @markatsafe,

Looking at the 2 datasets it looks like it is the same issue we had found, FME generates the geometry type GEOMETRY (at least until FME 2020, which allows to set this):

And QGIS generates the geometry type LINESTRING:

Fo us, choosing geometry_linestring as the geometry type in FME 2020 solved the performance issue.


