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My first attempt at shape to KMZ is attached. I'm doing clearly several things wrong. Suggestions welcome.



I'm trying to produce:



Which was created using Arc2earth which I no longer have acess to. 



Are you using the KMLStyler? it looks like the opacity is not properly set.


Can you provide more information about what you are doing?



I have a KML Styler but I havent hooked it to anything yet.
As I remember the fill color opacity is set to semi transparent, you should have a look at the transformers parameters...
Got it! Thanks!



Next up how to do different colors for different scale bands of nautical chart footprints and why the charts that cross the 180 degree lin wrap around the world. 
You can specify a different color attribute (fme_color) per group and use it in the styler, the writer will automatically interpret the fme_color to the kml color.
So if I want to set different scale bands of maps to different colors I need to use the Parameter Condition Definition? 
