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Hello everyone.

I have run into a problem while validating dgn data. I need to check for elements that have specified graphic group, however I have run into a problem where cells seem to show igds_graphic_group = 0 even though in my editing software I see that it has graphic group set to non-zero value.

I have tested this in FME 2016.0, 2017.0, 2017.1.

Bellow is a snippet of one file I am working with (there are many more, over 8000) where I have encountered this problem.



This is what I see in my editing software (MGEO, which is local version of microstation)

No matter if I expand named cells, or keep just insert points of the cell, I always get igds_graphic_group = 0. Lines work just fine, there I get graphic group I see in my editing software.



Any help is really welcome.




Hi @drejkzet

unfortunately this seems to be a DGN Reader limitation at the moment. I have filed PR #82202 - DGNV8: Cell igds_graphic_group is always 0 with enhancement request. Please contact our Technical Experts team through if you would like us to keep you updated on the PR progress.

Hi @drejkzet

unfortunately this seems to be a DGN Reader limitation at the moment. I have filed PR #82202 - DGNV8: Cell igds_graphic_group is always 0 with enhancement request. Please contact our Technical Experts team through if you would like us to keep you updated on the PR progress.

Hi @LenaAtSafe, do you know the outcome of this enhancement request?

Hi @drejkzet and @aquamarine,

I'm pleased to let you know this issue has been resolved in FME 2019.0 beta. The igds_graphics_group attribute is read properly now for cells.

You can find the update in the latest beta here.

Should you have any feedback about this update, please don't hesitate to let us know here.

- Andrea
