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microstation DGN writer: how to set element fill type to opaque in FME

I am trying to write database polygon features to microstation V8 design files. The symbology is , through the seed file set 'by level'. In FME i can set the line symbology to by level. That part works fine. But the fill has to be the same color as the line. Sofar, i only get a black fill (color 0) or no fill at all in the dgn. In microstation itself it is done by by using the tool 'set element fill' --> 'Fill type' set to 'Opaque' . I cannot find a corresponding igds_* format attribute in FME.

Anybody know how to do this?



@edvdl I just tried something quick. I used the idgs_fill_color and set it to a constant color and it worked. Just make sure the fill is turned on in Microstation.

@edvdl I just tried something quick. I used the idgs_fill_color and set it to a constant color and it worked. Just make sure the fill is turned on in Microstation.

Thanks, but no, setting the colour manually for many many many levels is too much work. The elements has to be set by fill type, to opaque, the colours themselves are allready set correctly in the seed file.

I can not find an igds_ attribute to do this, but as you are setting the color by level in the seed file, can you also set the fill type to Opaque in the seed file and use that setting?

Hi @edvdl,

thank you for your question.

You can control element transparency with igds_transparency format attribute (value 0.0 means fully opaque, value 1.0 means fully transparent). By default, all elements are fully opaque. However, to avoid black fill color, you need to set igds_fill_color which you shouldn't be required to know if you use 'by level'. We will file a PR with request to support 'by level' setting for fill color.

For now, please set igds_fill_color = 4294967295 using AttributeCreator to get 'by level' fill color.

@Lena , worked perfectly! Thank a lot.

Hi @edvdl,

thank you for your question.

You can control element transparency with igds_transparency format attribute (value 0.0 means fully opaque, value 1.0 means fully transparent). By default, all elements are fully opaque. However, to avoid black fill color, you need to set igds_fill_color which you shouldn't be required to know if you use 'by level'. We will file a PR with request to support 'by level' setting for fill color.

For now, please set igds_fill_color = 4294967295 using AttributeCreator to get 'by level' fill color.

Hi @LenaAtSafe, are there any news regarding the PR to support 'by Level' setting for fill color?


king regards, Marvin

