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Is there a BulkListSummer?

  • 26 June 2024
  • 4 replies


Currently, I have a process where I am doing a PointOnAreaOverlayer. I then create about 23 List Attributes. As of now, I have 23 List Summers to achieve my requirements. I then port all the List Summers into one Attribute Manager, remove all the non-summed fields, aggregate all the points grouped by the Primary Key, and then I join that back to the area layer so that it holds the summed values and stays an FMEPolygon and not a MultiFMEPolygon.

Is there a way to do this “better”? I have to redo this process on another Polygon Feature Type and it’s cumbersome. 


Kind Regards,


4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +11

Hi @hodzic1996, interesting question. Do you have more detail about your goal? I think you want to add summarized point information to the overlapping areas? In case you have some more info and test data I can give it a try to create a nice workbench for a more clean approach :)

Badge +1

Hi @hodzic1996, interesting question. Do you have more detail about your goal? I think you want to add summarized point information to the overlapping areas? In case you have some more info and test data I can give it a try for a more clean approach :)

Hi @lambertus,

That’s essentially what I want to do. I need all the points in a given polygon to have them join to that polygon, and then sum all the attributes joined. This is essentially my way of doing a ‘Spatial Join’/‘Summarize Within’ Geoprocess in ArcGIS Pro.

What type of more info are you looking for? Sadly I can’t share the polygon data, but its a version of Statistics Canada Dissemination Areas. I am using this dataset LCC so you can see the “..._Spaces” attributes that would be valuable to sum in a polygon. That’s what my current process achieved, but again...I am working with 23 fields that are valuable and I don’t think this is the most streamlined method. An aggregator would be helpful, but I think because there are MultiPoints, it sums ALL the points, and not just individual points.

Hope this helps!


Userlevel 6
Badge +39

You could definitely do it via python, but you’d still need to then go and expose all the attributes in FME. Thats less hassle than what you’re currently doing, but a lot cleaner.

A more FME centric way would be using a list exploder and StatisticsCalculator. Again, you need to manually setup the StatisticsCalc, but is a bit easier than exposing attributes


Badge +1

You could definitely do it via python, but you’d still need to then go and expose all the attributes in FME. Thats less hassle than what you’re currently doing, but a lot cleaner.

A more FME centric way would be using a list exploder and StatisticsCalculator. Again, you need to manually setup the StatisticsCalc, but is a bit easier than exposing attributes


This is exactly what I need. Once I set that statistics calculator to group by the Area P.Key, I get each summed value for each polygon. I did notice two values were rejected in my list exploder which has led me two fewer polygons than I need. I appreciate it!

