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I have a ifc file(,the model is white color) and I have to export them to gltf to visualize them on Cesium.

With FME I can export them to gltf, but when i visualize them on Cesium,it is rendered black color. I found the gltf file lost some things such as "NORMAL" in "attributes",and so on.

I don't know whty, can you give some advise? thank you

Hi @hk,

The features in your IFC have no textures set on them, so no textures will be written to the gltf file. You can use a GeometryColorSetter transformer to quickly create a color texture for your feature before writing them to gltf.

Thank you @DaveAtSafe. Unfortunately i am a beginner ,i don't known how to use a GeometryColorSetter transformer to do it. Can you give me the example or instructions?

Thank you @DaveAtSafe. Unfortunately i am a beginner ,i don't known how to use a GeometryColorSetter transformer to do it. Can you give me the example or instructions?

Hi @hk, This help documentation might give you some useful background on GeometryColorSetter transformer. If you want the entire model to be white, you can change Color Generation parameter to Fixed, and set Fill Color to white using the color picker (the ... button). Hope this helps. Cheers,




Hi @hk I just wanted to say that I had the same issue. The problem was that the surfaces were missing Vertex Normals. If you add a GeometryValidator and look for the option for Surface Normals. The GeometryValidator can repair these issues. Give it a try.
