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I try to read an IFC with IfcReinforcingBars. All attributes etc gets read in FME correctly, however there is no visible geometry. I can not share the data, but wonder if there are certain elements/geometrire FME does not read from IFC? I tried the 3 different IFC-readers, and also different settings on the reader with no luck.


Examining the features in FME Data inspector shows no geometry. But it seems to be aggregates and Geometry Instances. I also tried the GeometryInstantiator to see if I could get the geometry.


An image of IfcReinforcingBars can be found on this page for instance:



Added some more detail in the logfile. I guess this explains the problem :

2020-11-27 13:50:12| 1.0| 0.2|WARN |The IFC reader does not support the following type: 'IfcSweptDiskSolid'. All instances of this type will be skipped
