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I get a Point Cloud from Multicopter Surveying (Photogrammetry), stored in E57 File. This Point Cloud should be clipped to an Area of Interest, stored in Revit Model. So I exported the Model with the Revit Exporter to '*.rvz' and IFC4. I read the Geometry from IfcBeam. After this I create the Hull of the Geometry (2D) and send it to the Clipper. When I inspect the geometry with the FME Inspector it looks correct.

After the clip-operation the point cloud is cutted wrong on to the lower right corner.

I tested also the geometry extraction with SurfaceReplacer in combination with 2D Forcer, same problem... To test the correct position of the two parts I inspect it.

Workspace looks like this (rotater and offsetter beacuse there is a bad georeference):

Should I use other transformers for the Point Cloud clip-operation? Any ideas?

Thank you!

Hi @matze94,

Instead of the HullReplacer, please try the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to generate a bounding polygon from the Revit solid geometry.

Hi @matze94,

Instead of the HullReplacer, please try the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to generate a bounding polygon from the Revit solid geometry.

Hi @DaveAtSafe,



thanks for the hint. It doesnt work after including the transformer.


Then I have seen the PointCloudTransformationApplier. I inserted the transformer after the rotater and offsetter (point cloud branch), et voila, clipper works fine! So it is necessary to apply the tranformation operation (Rotater and Offsetter) for point clouds?!



Thanks for your help! :)

