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Dear FME community,



if I add an access writer, FME asks me for a file name, of course 🙂. This name is then displayed in the Navigator window, e.g. "filename eMDB_ADO]". The feature type corresponds to the table name, like in an excel writer. If want to add another access database with different attributes, I always have to add another writer (not feature type!). In difference to for example the mapinfo writer where the feature type corresponds to the file name, in access/excel it only refers to the database/table name.



What I want to do is use the existing (one) writer and just add another feature type. This would have the advantage that if I change the directory, I would only have to change one path in one writer, not in every access writer.



Does anyone know who to handle this?



Kind regards




Possibly the method used here:


can be applied.


Hi Thomas.



If u create a writer for acces, excell, autocad etc. U create a "dataset".



So all u have to do is create a single writer.



U will have a dataset with one table/autocadlayer/excelltab.


If u copy/paste this writer in the workspace and rename will add another table/autocadlayer/excelltab to the existing dataset.



the "featuretypes" are the names of the instances of the writer in the workspace wich are therefore tabels,tabs, layers in a dataset or file.


The datasetname is "fme_basename"



When u for instance create a fanout attirubte and set writer to fanout, an excell would have as many tabs.



If u open the writer in the navigator pane, u see first the basename. At the end you see featuretypes. These are the names of the tables,tabs,layers in your Acces/Excell/autocad files.



thats all there is to it.
..i should spellcheck more...i know ;)



Gio is right. Dataset and Feature Type are fundamental concepts of FME, but their physical forms are different according to formats.


For some formats, a folder is a dataset; a file (set) is equivalent to a feature type (e.g. Esri Shape, MapInfo Tab). For other formats, a file is a dataset; a layer, worksheet, or table etc. is equivalent to a feature type (e.g. AutoCAD DXF, Microsoft Excel, Access). and so on.


See also here.


FME Workbench Help > Datset Types (



# I've got used to your tricky spelling ;)




Hey guys, I found a solution!



After you have added the access writer, you can set  "Fanout Dataset" under "Advanced". With the option "Attribute to Fanout on" set to fme_basename, it creates a new access database file for each incoming feature type (i.e. mapinfo dataset) that enters. It doesn't just add another table/spreadsheet. Thats's exactly what I was looking for.



Kind regards

