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I am writing AutoCAD DWG with changing areas/extents. My template file defines the styling. When opening the file in CAD it zooms to a blank area (possibly from the extents of the template file) and I need to zoom to extents to find my current area.

Is it possible to either remove any extent information from the template file, or force the output DWG file to zoom in on the current area extents?

Hi @proudgis,

I'm sorry, but this capability is not yet available in FME's DWG writers. We have an outstanding enhancement request to add this capability (PR66535), and I will notify you as soon as it is available in beta.

Hi @proudgis,

I'm sorry, but this capability is not yet available in FME's DWG writers. We have an outstanding enhancement request to add this capability (PR66535), and I will notify you as soon as it is available in beta.

Hi @daveatsafe​,


I have this same issue where I'm writing DWG files based on a template. When I open the DWG in AutoCAD 2024 the view is zoomed out far and I need to zoom to extents to see the actual data.


Was PR66535 ever implemented?




Hi ​@daveatsafe ,


please do you have any updates in that issue? :-)


Thank a lot!


Hi ​@lazarlubomir,

It’s been a while, but we have added this issue to the queue for our CAD team. 
