Could you make a simple table example of your source data:
StationID | StationName
1 | Bla
HouseID | HouseName
1 | Bla
CableID | CableName | ConnectionFrom | ConnectionTo
1 | Bla | Station 1 | House 2
or something like that
And an example of what the result has to look like. Just a single block of a station with 100 houses connected by lines?
I have used this in the past:
Create an org chart from CSV data
This does the auto-layout that I wanted.
As far as I am aware, FME is not really aimed at rendering all the different varieties of block diagrams used by different industries.
What FME can do is create the Graph data (ie. An Attributed Nodes Table, and the Edges Table that connects nodes, with or without a direction attribute, and with or without extra Extra Attribution).
This can be used to create either raw CSV tables or Eg. GraphML files (a particular XML standard for containing graph/block diagram data), and then this be used by a separate graph/network analyser and renderer, for which there a huge number of the market, anything from say Neo4J in the cloud, to maybe something more desktop oriented such as yED (which was one of the earliest to market and still one of the best for system graphing/functional block diagrams). I suspect that the power industry itself may even have bespoke software and standards for creating specific power network diagrams.
Thanks @jkr_wrk @bwn ,it is more clear now .