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We are writing to a new geodatabase with FME 2013. This geodatabase has already a schema without any records.



Geodatabase Error (-2147220987): The user does not have permission to execute the operation.

FileGDB Writer: A feature could not be written.


Has anyone experienced this error before.


It is strange, we are able to write some features but some other give this error.






What version of ArcGIS is installed on your machine?
What writer are you using? (SDE30 or SDEGeodatabase - I think) there are two. Try switching the writer (based on a foggy memory, I'm pretty sure this will correct the issue).
I switched my writer from 'File Geodatabase API' to 'File Geodatabase ArcObjects).



It fixed the issue regarding the permission but now I get the following:



Error while retrieving an ArcObjects update cursor for the table/feature class 'FuseBank'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216556'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Objects in this class cannot be updated outside an edit session iFuseBank]}



I get this error for the features that previously failed. The one that previously passed, still pass. I looked into the advanced parameters of my writer but I didn't find how to open an 'edit session'. Any idea?



I'm using ArcGIS 10.1 and FME 2013








I found! The 'edit session' option can be set when you create the writer...





I had a similar issu but noticed that the feature classes where part of angeometric network. got rid of the network and everythign worked afterwoards. I hope this helps
Specifically, you can set the Edit Session option on the Writer's Parameters > Transaction Type > Edit session from the dropdown list (it's usually set to Transaction)

Old thread but just got same error.

The cause was inability to update the Relationship Classes with the default way the FGDB API Writer tries to work (which has limited ability to update classes/objects related to a Feature Class or Table).

The fix was to remove the Relationship Classes since I didn't need them. For completeness linked the Safe guide for working with GDB Relationship Classes in which Relationship Classes can be maintained with extra FME workflow steps:
