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please, is it possible to set content of job log similarly to FME workbench. E.g. I want to log only STATS and WARN infomations in log file of FME server... I know how to set these parameters in Workbench, but is there same possibility in FME server please?

Thank You so much!


If I'm not mistaken, FME Server will use the log level set in FME Desktop when you publish the workspace to the server.

Hi @lazarlubomir - if you are using 2018, then the Logger transformer allows you to add custom log messages as information, warning or error. Previous to that you could use the MessageLogger custom transformer from the Hub to do this.

You might also want to take a look at the LogMessageStreamer transformer - I've not used it myself, but the Help suggests it lets you filter out particular categories of log messages (eg warns) and you would then write those to another output file perhaps.

If I'm not mistaken, FME Server will use the log level set in FME Desktop when you publish the workspace to the server.

Hello @david_r,



You´re right! It works... Is it only single possibility to edit this log settings? Or is it possible to edit this via FME Server UI?



Thank You so much!



Hi @lazarlubomir - if you are using 2018, then the Logger transformer allows you to add custom log messages as information, warning or error. Previous to that you could use the MessageLogger custom transformer from the Hub to do this.

You might also want to take a look at the LogMessageStreamer transformer - I've not used it myself, but the Help suggests it lets you filter out particular categories of log messages (eg warns) and you would then write those to another output file perhaps.

Hello @1spatialmary,



thank You so much, I havent knew about MessageLogger tranformer on Hub, I will try it!


Hello @david_r,



You´re right! It works... Is it only single possibility to edit this log settings? Or is it possible to edit this via FME Server UI?



Thank You so much!



As far as I know this is currently the only way to influence the server job log setting. Consider voting for this idea to improve the functionality:
