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I’ve seen that FME 2023.2 Build 23764) doesn’t recognise ArcGIS Pro 3.3 for access to Esri licenses.


Will this be resolved in 2024.1? I haven’t tested 2024.0 as I’m waiting on the .1 release

Hi @cory

So far as I know FME 2023.2 only supports up to ArcGIS Pro 3.2

3.3 was only released this week (07/05/2024) - so I assume it will be ok in 2024.1+ or maybe a later release of 2024.0

Notes on FME and Esri Versions and Compatibility

Esri Product Version (Python)  Recommended FME Version Comment
ArcGIS Pro 3.2.x
FME 2023.2+



Hi @cory 

Safe - just updated - it will work from 2024.0.3 onwards

Esri Product Version (Python)  Recommended FME Version Comment

ArcGIS Pro 3.3.x


FME 2024.0.3 FME 2024.0.2 is provisionally compatible, however FME 2024.0.3 is the recommended FME Version to use.

