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I'm new to FME so I hope I didn't miss a tutorial or a manual somewhere ;)



In a few words I'd like to export a CityGML to KML/Collada files in order to load these in GoogleEarth and other 3D clients. In details :



<= Input : A CityGML containing 300 buildings referencing textures. The general structure of my CityGML is :



<CityModel> <Building> <BuildingPart> <Appearance> <SurfaceDataMember>


... </Appearance> <RoofSurface>






... </BuildingPart> </Building>


... </CityModel>



=> Output : Idealy I'd like to generate a collection of KMZ files containing KML + Collada + Textures. Each KMZ file would represent a portion (a tile) of the original CityGML file.



My question : Where to start ? :)



What I've already done :



1) I've been able to load my CityGML file in FME. A certain number of Feature Type were imported (Building, BuildingPart, WallSurface, RoofSurface,CityModel).


2) I've been able to define a Collada writer and translate my data (by the way it seems 8Gb of ram wasn't enough). As a result I obtained a .dae file for each featureType ... which is not really what I'm trying to achieve => I thought of getting a Collada file containing each building with complete geometry (roofs+walls) as a first step.



So : Are there any example FME project or tutorials that might help me to achieve this kind of transformation ? At least, is there a way to iterate through the building list, get roofs+ walls and concatenate the geometry to produce a Collada containing the list of all building geometries ?



Hope it's clear enough,



Thanx in advance



Ignore this answer if you are already aware of. If CityGML file is in 3D city database then there is tool "CityGML exporter" to KML/Collada.
