One of my workspaces recently broke because FME can't read in the features from AGOL. I'm running Win 7 x64 and FME Beta Build 18198. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
When trying to inspect the AGOL feature layer, this is the error I receive:
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader: Requesting portal information
Updating access token for 'Daniel.Matranga Esri ArcGIS Online'
JSON Message: {"error":{"code":498,"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"refresh_token expired","message":"refresh_token expired","details":[]}}
JSON Error: JSONObject["error"] not a string.
Unable to update access token for 'Daniel.Matranga Esri ArcGIS Online'
Updating access token for 'Daniel.Matranga Esri ArcGIS Online'
JSON Message: {"error":{"code":498,"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"refresh_token expired","message":"refresh_token expired","details":[]}}
JSON Error: JSONObject["error"] not a string.
Unable to update access token for 'Daniel.Matranga Esri ArcGIS Online'
Python Exception <HTTPError>: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:;=mFrTCtBJ0dRkfmL1YoMsBK_PxQdQAY1qTADLSdkr_60oHGLclWOlWLbWfZnTRC4fHfunnCV2busZDdIVJTSQNa2wZ4-zI9r19Z_uAUpo2qhpX_PT2YsSu6fihbccgXq7eHkdw5sGA0c7Xrx8XlOrf3pIlQ26Ank2LuVmy2gDu2rDIGpEptDeERW0pGkv7eKzQkdMEZT02orXvk8Aq-tJEakmEW1wxiXLpm8K_LYWhx-Sy90tssJnEMm-4k2TZg9C
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'ARCGISONLINEFEATURES' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information
UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned