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I have a problem with conversion of 4 bands GeoTiff into ECW. I'm quite new to this. For me seems that ECW can hold up to 65k bands, so I think this should be possible.

The bands are RED8 GREEN8 BLUE8 UINT8 - if I write only RGB it works, as well it works then I only choose UINT8 band.

How could I write all the bands to ECW file ? Any clues ?

I took a look at this reply:

But unfortunately it didn't help.

Hi @tomasz. I did a quick test with some mocked data here. (Full disclosure, I'm not super familiar with this process either). Here is what I observed:


  • If the source data is RED8 GREEN8 BLUE8 UINT8, I do get the same error, but
  • If I convert the interpretation to RGBA32, using the RasterInterpretationCoercer transformer, the output writes to ECW successfully.

It seems like the difference is the 4th band's interpretation type has to be Alpha8 (not UINT8), which RasterInterpretationCoercer was able to helped me convert.

Can you give this a try, and see if it helps?

Hi @tomasz. I did a quick test with some mocked data here. (Full disclosure, I'm not super familiar with this process either). Here is what I observed:


  • If the source data is RED8 GREEN8 BLUE8 UINT8, I do get the same error, but
  • If I convert the interpretation to RGBA32, using the RasterInterpretationCoercer transformer, the output writes to ECW successfully.

It seems like the difference is the 4th band's interpretation type has to be Alpha8 (not UINT8), which RasterInterpretationCoercer was able to helped me convert.

Can you give this a try, and see if it helps?

@XiaomengAtSafe thanks for this solution, actually tried a couple of different things, but didn't try this one, it seems working. However not sure if the output is as expected but that is to verify.

