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I want to make a connection with msSQL server with another windows userid/password than mine.

If i select Windows Authentication in the connection set-up window, the windows credentials fields are disabled. In our organisation there is only 1 windows account for the SQL server.

Is there a possibility to use a different windows account than mine for the connection.?

Maybe an example connectionstring?

Thank you very much, i hope someone can help.

Kind regards




Hi @kees_v,

Unfortunately there is no option to act on behalf of another user when using the windows authentication. That being said if you are using FME Server the service account running the engines could be that single windows account. If your working from desktop then you may have to have your it set up a SQL Server account and use SQL Server Authentication.




Hi @kees_v,

Unfortunately there is no option to act on behalf of another user when using the windows authentication. That being said if you are using FME Server the service account running the engines could be that single windows account. If your working from desktop then you may have to have your it set up a SQL Server account and use SQL Server Authentication.




Hi @richardatsafe, I think you better mention kees_v in your answer...:)

I haven't actually tried this, but in windows you might be able to right click the FME desktop app, and select run as another user. This should prompt for a windows login where you can use the one you need to connect to SQL with. This should use that new user account when making the windows authentication to all data sources. Unfortunately that only works for one login. It would not work if you need to connect to different servers with different accounts (network files included).

Hi @richardatsafe, I think you better mention kees_v in your answer...:)

Thanks @itay!

It would be great if this could be implemented in the following way:

1) user creates workspace that uses an active directory connection to a DB (by starting Workbench as that AD account if necessary, but even better would be to have the ability to enter different Windows credentials that you are currently logged in with in the parameters). Workspace runs with these credentials.

2) When the users selects "Embed Connection Parameters" on the database, it stores and uses the AD credentials, even when it's run in FME Server. Currently, this option seems to ignore AD credentials.

My use case is that IT policy requires a unique AD service account to connect to each database. Currently I can't use FME to automate all these connections.


It would be great if this could be implemented in the following way:

1) user creates workspace that uses an active directory connection to a DB (by starting Workbench as that AD account if necessary, but even better would be to have the ability to enter different Windows credentials that you are currently logged in with in the parameters). Workspace runs with these credentials.

2) When the users selects "Embed Connection Parameters" on the database, it stores and uses the AD credentials, even when it's run in FME Server. Currently, this option seems to ignore AD credentials.

My use case is that IT policy requires a unique AD service account to connect to each database. Currently I can't use FME to automate all these connections.


Hi @thaverkort,

I really appreciate the input, but could I clarify the issue with you. In your circumstance does it not work to use the AD account as SQL Authentication? or do you have policy specifying that you have to use an Integrated Windows Authentication if so no saved password would work since its a different authentication method? All SQL Authentication saved in either an Embedded Connection or a Database Connection should work and stay consistent.


Hi @thaverkort,

I really appreciate the input, but could I clarify the issue with you. In your circumstance does it not work to use the AD account as SQL Authentication? or do you have policy specifying that you have to use an Integrated Windows Authentication if so no saved password would work since its a different authentication method? All SQL Authentication saved in either an Embedded Connection or a Database Connection should work and stay consistent.


Thanks Richard. I guess when I was saying AD, I was referring to IWA (accounts that exists in our active directory). Yes, we use a different IWA account for each database. For Workbench, I can start the workbench as the appropriate IWA account and run the translation, but when I submit the workspace to FME Server, it uses the account that the FME Engine process is running under. My dream (literally, I dreamed about this last night) is that I could start Workbench as an IWA user that has access to the DB. Then 'embed' those credentials into the workspace, and have FME Server use that IWA account rather than the IWA account that runs FME Engine.

Here's an example of a simple app that runs executables as another user on the domain. Each workspace is run from a bat file. Each bat file is then loaded into System Scheduler and set to run with the appropriate Windows account. But that means I can't take advantage of FME Server.
