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Hi I'm not very familiar with ESRI software. I have created an update/insert process on a Layer I created in AGOL and I noticed even though I specifed 500 char for a field in FME writer, it is truncated to 254 when written to AGOL. Does AGOL adhere to the shp limitations of 254 char max or have I missed something ?



Which version of FME are you using? Starting with FME 2016.1 it should be using a File Geodatabase and not a shape file for upload, ref.

I'm using 2015 so that would explain it, I am pushing the users to upgrade to 2016.1 so thanks for that information. I found it was a strange that this was happening.

Thank you for the help

I'm using 2015 so that would explain it, I am pushing the users to upgrade to 2016.1 so thanks for that information. I found it was a strange that this was happening.

Thank you for the help

In your case, I would create a file geodatabase, zip it, then upload it to AGOL and publish it as a service. That would be the easy workaround. If they were looking to do it a lot, then I would try a regular Feature Service writer if the AGOL writer didn't work.

