I guess that’s a very easy one, but I can’t find the right answer.
I created a gallery app, and the user can provide an email address to receive the results of the run.
Unfortunately, while the workspace runs trough, and when staying on the page I get also a working download link for the data, the email is never sent.
What I would like to know is, how I should set up the email service on FME Server. I can choose between ‘Automation’ or ‘Notification → Subscription’.
- The automation keeps me puzzled on what trigger I should use to say a user started the run of a workspace, and please use the provided email address to send the email.
- The subscription seems to be a bit more straight forward and I would aim for the Email protocol , and set the subscription topic to JOBSUBMITTER_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS, but then I am lost in the protocol settings when it comes to the ‘Email To- part, and to know what actually will be in the body of the email.
Essentially the only thing I need is a setup that sends an email to the user-provided email address, containing a link to the download resource.
I tried an automation with an FME Server Topic to listen to JOBSUBMITTER_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS, connected an Email action to it and provide the ‘Send To’ address static… That works, and when the workspace is done an email with the download link is send to me. But this will send always an email with a download link to me as soon as a download service finished successfully. 😉
Do I need to have an Emailer in my workspace, or is this obsolete when using an automation, and how do I connect to the email address provided through the ui of the gallery app?