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Scheduling Chained Jobs Through Notification Service On FME Server

  • August 16, 2013
  • 1 reply

Hey all,



I have four workspaces that are designed to run one after the other through a notification service based on if the previous one was succesful or not. Now this works perfectly when manualy activated, but I need to transfer the process over to a Schedule as to make it run sometime during the night so it does not bog down the FME Engine. But, when this is done, it only runs the first workspace in the process and negates the success message to start up the second one.



Does the Schedule service not work well with the Notification service?

1 reply

  • Contributor
  • August 26, 2013
For FME 2013 you'll want to head on over to this KB article:



In FME Server 2014 we are working on a tighter story here and Notifications should be working for an Schedule Jobs.  





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