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This seems like a bug in FME 2017.1. I'm reading AutoCAD Object Data in FME Workbench and Inspector. Either one of them says this particular version of DWG file is Release2018.


Opening a file in notepad you can clearly see the version is 2013 (corresponds with AC1027 code of dwg file).


I want to ensure to write to same version as I've read my file. This is a problem since it never writes to version 2013. (It forces version 2018)







I just tried this with FME 2017.1 (build 17722) and I can't seem to reproduce the issue. I've created a simple DWG using FME, set the writer parameter to AutoCAD Release 2013, checked that in Notepad, which showed AC1027, then read the file in FME again and it mentioned it being a Release2013.

So how exactly are you writing your AutoCAD file?

I just tried this with FME 2017.1 (build 17722) and I can't seem to reproduce the issue. I've created a simple DWG using FME, set the writer parameter to AutoCAD Release 2013, checked that in Notepad, which showed AC1027, then read the file in FME again and it mentioned it being a Release2013.

So how exactly are you writing your AutoCAD file?

Did the same thing as you did. I write simple line as AutoCAD Object Data Release2013. Confirmed in Notepad.

I then read it with Inspector, says Release2018.


Version FME 2017.1.1.0 (Build 17650)


Hi @zzupljanin,

Sorry to join the conversation so late! I've just replied to your case and filed an issue in our tracking system as (FMEENGINE-62698) as I was able to reproduce the behavior using the RealDWG reader and the AutoCAD OD reader. I'll update this post as soon as the issue has been addressed. Thanks for reporting the issue!
