In a experimental environment I have set FME server in a machine with ArcGIS Pro. (I want to verify some expected behaviors in FME Server, with out the trouble to install ArcGIS Server)
It has ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3, As the document states:

When I try to run the workspace, it fails, and do not even creates a log file. In the fmeprocessmonitorinengine.log I find this:
Wed-13-Nov-2024 03:44:01.898 PM INFORM Thread-19972 ALGTRCPIMSDM01_Engine1 Translation Finished (service '7070'). Return message is '370430:The workspace has Python Compatibility set to 'Esri ArcGIS Python 3.7+', which requires an appropriate version of ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Server. If ArcGIS is not required by this workspace, then update Python Compatibility to a non-Esri-ArcGIS Python. Otherwise, please install the required ArcGIS product. Please visit for supported ArcGIS products and versions with FME. To update this setting, go to: Navigator -> Workspace Parameters -> Scripting -> Python Compatibility|LogFileName=job_65.log'
The same workspace runs without any issue in a FME server installed alongside with ArcGIS Server.
I think that I am in the proper spectrum of ArcGIS products:

The error message states:
The workspace has Python Compatibility set to 'Esri ArcGIS Python 3.7+', which requires an appropriate version of ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Server.
What is the proper version of ArcGIS Pro required to run it?
What exactly the Python Compatibility set to 'Esri ArcGIS Python 3.7+' means? there is proper documentation about what is enclosed in this, or other options for the python compatibility.
In this case ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3 uses Python 3.9, in my humble understanding the option 'Esri ArcGIS Python 3.7+' should be good for this situation, I mean “3.7+”
Reading the document
it states:
“Can I use ArcGIS Pro with FME Flow?”
It is technically possible for FME Flow to use ArcGIS Pro.
Aside from getting rid of ArcGIS Pro and install ArcGIS Server 11.1. Is there another way to make the workspace run without changing the Python Compatibility workspace?