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Hello FME Community!

In my company, we have several workspaces which run on a regular interval. Some are simple schedules and most are inside automations also triggered by schedules.

The goal is to inform specific people inside my company via email if a workspace failes to run on the server.

Up to now, we have implemented topics and subscriptions to those topics that people get emails. However, since the email, triggered from a topic, does not contain any information about the workspace which failed inside the automation, I am not sure if this is the way to go.

I also thought about sending emails directly from the automations. But since it does not offer any templates, I have to fill the email content manually (considering that multiple people receive the email, it requires quite some manual effort).

Could you offer me some guidance, or best practice how to implement a notification service that is suitable for our need?



You could set up an email-sending-workspace and trigger that through the automations. You can hook up the email-sending-workspace parameters to keys coming out of the other workspaces. Still would take a fair amount of prep, but I think this way you can minimalize it by re-using the workspace.

Use an Emailer transformer inside it so you don't have to enter the mailserver details every time.

With your current setup you should be able to pass a message through to you topic, that will then send it on to the subscription.


This message

Screenshot 2020-11-17 082530gives this email

Screenshot 2020-11-17 082545It wouldn't surpise me if there were more parameters avaliable to use that havent been exposed to the UI



With your current setup you should be able to pass a message through to you topic, that will then send it on to the subscription.


This message

Screenshot 2020-11-17 082530gives this email

Screenshot 2020-11-17 082545It wouldn't surpise me if there were more parameters avaliable to use that havent been exposed to the UI



The problem is that I cannot get any information on the workspace which failed. Just about the automation.

I used the parameters which are used in the normal email and I am receiving messages like this:


The Job _undefined_/_undefined_ with ID _undefined_ on FME Server NT0 failed!

It was requested at _undefined_, started at _undefined_ and finished at _undefined_.

Automation Name: _undefined_

