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I have an workbench where I used a fanout in a geojson writer. The geojson writer has 23 features and each feature is fanout based on the fme_feature_type where my Fanout Expression is "@Value(fme_feature_type)". The result is great, it created the files I need in geojson format in the folder specified in the "Destination" property of the writer. But each fanout dataset is named with the feature name. So if my fme_feature_type name is gis.auto_recloser, the fanout file is named gis.auto_recloser. But I would like it to be named

auto_recloser_delete.geojson instead. Is there a way to customize the fanout dataset file name?

Hi @li_fme Use a StringConcatenator to build the names your want in a new attribute, then fan-out on that.

Hi @li_fme Use a StringConcatenator to build the names your want in a new attribute, then fan-out on that.

thanks, @DanAtSafe. I got it figured out that I need to update the fanout expression to @ReplaceString(@Value(fme_feature_type)_deletes.geojson, "gis.", "")
