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I have a workspace with a dynamic writer writing to postGIS. The source for the writer is a csv spreadsheet which is loaded from a workspace resource using schema (from table). The reader reads a table named "test", and the writer outputs to a table named "Mapped". It is essentially based on this tutorial:


except that I don't use fme_feature_type as the writer table name.

This is my csv source file:

The columns all appear to be mapped correctly.

This is the writer:

This was working in FME 2017, but since I upgraded to 2018 it no longer works. I get an error message saying:

Cannot find a matching schema named 'Mapped' in the known set of schemas: ''. Known schema sources are: 'Schema from Schema Feature, SCHEMA_FROM_TABLE_1'. Please verify writer feature type configuration.

Then there's a message saying:

POSTGIS Writer: Fanout for feature type 'Mapped' failed to find feature type template 'Mapped'

I am puzzled as to why the "known set of schemas" list is showing up as empty.

I feel I must be making a silly mistake somewhere, but as I say, it was working until yesterday.

I would appreciate some help if possible.

Hi @rohan, I was able to reproduce the same issue as yours. It seems that the Schema (From Table) reader and/or the mechanism for deriving schema definition from a lookup table have been broken in FME 2018.0. It's a terrible bug if my observation was correct.

@daleatsafe, could you please check these demos?

Hi @rohan, I was able to reproduce the same issue as yours. It seems that the Schema (From Table) reader and/or the mechanism for deriving schema definition from a lookup table have been broken in FME 2018.0. It's a terrible bug if my observation was correct.

@daleatsafe, could you please check these demos?

Thanks for highlighting. We're on it.



Thanks for letting us know about this one @rohan & @takashi -- you managed to find a path through things that did get inadvertently harmed in FME 2018.0. The fix has already been made and will be made available in a hotfix shortly (and additional tests have been added to our suite so that this can't happen again).

We'll notify here when the new build is available.

Hi @rohan and @takashi,

The issue has been resolved in 2018.0 builds 18287+ and 2018.1. 2018.0 build 18287 or higher and 2018.1 betas should be available next week through through and

Thanks to everyone for their help. I will download the new build when available.

Hi @rohan and @takashi,

The issue has been resolved in 2018.0 builds 18287+ and 2018.1. 2018.0 build 18287 or higher and 2018.1 betas should be available next week through through and

Good to hear. Thanks for the fix.


