FME uses Autodesk libraries to read Object Data, and Autodesk no longer supports 32-bit in these libraries.
FME 64-bit has what is needed to successfully read this data; Please install FME 64-bit if you have encountered this issue.If you are performing a translation to Esri products that are in 32-bit, this will still work in 64-bit FME as long as "64 bit background geoprocessing" is installed along with your 32-bit Esri products.yes, but SAfE did not told us that is has been removed from the 32-bit versions, i only found it out by running it on Server 2017. So i had to roll back to FME Server 2016, to get 45 work benches to work
No mention when opening it in FME Desktop 2017 32-bit, very poor
No mention even in the documentation of FME Desktop 2017
Hi @rudy_v. My sincere apologies for the delayed response and our poor handling of the change. Unfortunately, we did not have a choice in the change, as AutoCAD discontinued the 32-bit library. However, we should have definitely implemented a better method of communicating these changes to the users in a timely manner (at the moment the only mention appears to be in the format matrix based on bit-version).
Two known issues have been filed, one to improve the communication when opening the workspace (PR 78154 - Workbench: upgrade makes workspace unrunnable when format deprecated), and another to add a note to the Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data Reader/Writer documentation (PR 78157).
In the future, we will strive for a more timely communication and response to these types of changes. If you have any other suggestions about how to communicate these types of changes, please let us know.