I am trying to install FME Flow 20.23.1 on a local MS Windows 2022 Server. I am using / trying to use the silent installer. The command that runs successfully is shown below. The install.logs shows no errors and end with message: "Installation completed successfully"
I have an external Tomcat instance btw.
I can successfully start the FME Server by using the bat file startCore.bat. After I use this bat file, I can go to http://localhost:8080/fmeserver/ and I can login with admin / admin. Everything looks fine.
When I try to start FME Server using the MS Window service created by the installer, it fails with message Error 126: The specified module could not be found
I think the service fails fairly quickly in the sense that no real FME processes are started and there is nothing in the log files.
It this is a known issue with running FME Flow on MS Windows 2022 server? I checked the documentation but there doesn't seem to be specific requirements mentioned for running FME Flow on MS Windows 2022.
What am I missing here?
C:\\vagrant\\tmp\\fme-flow-2023.1.1-b23631-win-x64\\fme-flow.msi INSTALLDIR="D:\\apps\\FME\\Flow" ADDLOCAL=FMEServerCore,Services /qb /l*v "D:\\Apps\\FME\\logs\\install.log" FMESERVERSHAREDDATA="\\\\GSD-FME-CORE.ad.c2platform.org\\fme-share" FMESERVERUSER="gis-backup-operator@ad.c2platform.org" FMESERVERUSERPASSWORD=Supersecret! DATABASETYPE=PostGreSQL DATABASEHOST=postgresql.data.c2platform.org DATABASEPORT=5432 DATABASEUSER=fmeserver DATABASEPASSWORD=secret DATABASECONNECTIONSTRING="jdbc:postgresql://postgresql.data.c2platform.org:5432/fmeserver" SERVLETTYPE=Apache SERVLETPORT=8080 WEBAPPSDIR="D:\\Apps\\tomcat\\webapps" SHAREDTOMCATLIB="D:\\Apps\\tomcat\\lib" WEBSERVERHOSTNAME="localhost" FMESERVERHOSTNAME="GSD-FME-CORE.ad.c2platform.org" NODENAME="GSD-FME-CORE.ad.c2platform.org" FIRSTLOGINCHANGEPASSWORD=false