I'm experiencing some issues with the raster outputs of my workbench. I have the same issue in FME 2016.0.0.0 and 2015.1.2.0.
I am converting several vector files to raster and I am then adding them together to perform some analysis. However, in the output raster negative values, including the No Data value, have been written as the cell value 3.
I have sent the output to a data inspector before the writing stage and the values are correct. I have attached some images below to show the differences
Values from pre-writer stage:
Values from output:
Does anybody have any ideas on how to get the values to write correctly?
I noticed that the output is a 2 bit image and I used a RasterInterpretationCoercer to set it to an 8 bit integer but it still created this 2 bit image with incorrect values.
Thanks in advance