I have a road network created in Saturn. Saturn does this with straight lines between nodes so the roads do not follow the road centreline network. I would like to know create a shapefile to give to others for use that does snap it to the road centreline network (create curved roads etc).
I have two inputs: My saturn road network in a shp format and a road centreline network in shp format.
My idea to do this was:
1. create a node at each vertex of the Saturn network
2. find the nearest point on the road centreline network to each of the Saturn nodes
3. using the road centreline network find the shortest path between every one of the nodes (every combination) and any roads used to create these routes to form the new network (I thought this would ensure both directions of roads and all sections of roundabout are accounted for rather than one direction)
I have had a go at this but I am having a few issues. I guess firstly- does this methodology seem ok?
The issues I am having are:
-I am using the topology builder to create nodes at the vertices of the Saturn network but I dont think it is creating all of the nodes (there aren't enough nodes)
-The from to builder is rejecting all of the nodes (I thought this could handle mutilple from and to combinations?)
This would be absolutely incredible to figure out and so handy so if anyone has time I have uploaded all of the files here:http://we.tl/6FQUbb9iWa
Many thanks