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How can I change the name of name of the EPSG:25832 coordinate system from NUTM32 to ETRS_1989_UTM_Zone_32N?


Every time a create a dataset in fme in the coordinate system EPSG:25832 and try to read it in ESRI ArcGIS, the coordinate is not recognised because FME gives it the name "NUTM32". The parameters are all correct but the name is not known. How can I copy the NUTM32 Coordinate system parameters in FME but just change the name? Then I could easily integrate FME into my GIS workflow.

7 replies


If you have FME ESRI or Professional edition you can use the ESRIReprojector transformer which uses the ESRI reprojection library.


A couple of questions: Which format are you writing to? I'm assuming Geodatabase? And where do you see "NUTM32"? Is that in FME or is that what ArcGIS reports?

The process of writing coordinate systems is managed by what we call "exceptions". If you look in the installation folder, <fme>\\reproject\\exceptions you'll see the files where these are stored. These lookup files are how FME maps a coordinate system like EPSG:25832 to the Esri WKT equivalent.

There is also a shared folder (usually <documents>\\FME\\CoordinateSystemExceptions) where you can add your own exceptions.

So, personally I see that EPSG:25832 exists in esriwkt.db in the main exceptions folder, and maps to an Esri coordinate system that I assume is correct. However, perhaps you could look and see if this is what you are expecting. It might be (though unlikely) that the parameters are incorrect in this file.

I don't see any reference to NUTM32 in that file though. In fact, I have trouble finding that at all. So, what you could do is copy that line from esriwkt.db, paste it to a new text file, change "EPSG:25832" to "NUTM32" and save that file in <documents>\\FME\\CoordinateSystemExceptions. Save it as something that comes alphabetically before esriwkt.db (eg anesriwkt.db, not myesriwkt.db) because the files are loaded in alphabetical order.

That *might* do the trick. I'm going on the assumption that FME is missing an exception for that coordinate system. That might not be the issue, but it's what I suggest to try first. If that doesn't work, let me know (or file a case with support at


NUTM32 is what ArcGIS Desktop shows under coordinate system properties. And this is the problem, because I am reprojecting to ECW and not to a geodatabase.

  • Contributor
  • August 24, 2017

Still doesn´t work!

r7 wrote:

Still doesn´t work!

You could try making a copy of the coordinate system under that new name, see this question for more info on that.



  • August 28, 2017
Hi, this is "bread and butter" reprojection when working with spatial data in Norway (i.e something we do every day).



I made a test with a small JPEG orto (in EPSG:25832), reproject to EPSG:25833, reproject back to EPSG:25832 (both with ESRI Reprojector) and write it to ECW.



From ArcGIS (raster dataset properties) it is correct that "XY Coordinate System" is called NUTM32, but all parameters are correct (scalefactor, central meridian, false easting/northing, datum etc). In my case the ortho is also correct georeferenced in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro and I have never experienced problems with the coordinate systems we often use in both FME and ArcGIS (EPSG 25832, 25833, 25835, 4326, etc etc).



I have my doubts this is a FMEproblem.













  • August 28, 2017
r7 wrote:

Still doesn´t work!

Hi, this is "bread and butter" reprojection when working with spatial data in Norway (i.e something we do every day).



I made a test with a small JPEG orto (in EPSG:25832), reproject to EPSG:25833, reproject back to EPSG:25832 (both with ESRI Reprojector) and write it to ECW.



From ArcGIS (raster dataset properties) it is correct that "XY Coordinate System" is called NUTM32, but all parameters are correct (scalefactor, central meridian, false easting/northing, datum etc). In my case the ortho is also correct georeferenced in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro and I have never experienced problems with the coordinate systems we often use in both FME and ArcGIS (EPSG 25832, 25833, 25835, 4326, etc etc).



I have my doubts this is a FMEproblem.














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