Hi @tris_w,
I see you were able to resolve this issue by corresponding with Safe Software Support. I just wanted to post the resolution on here in case any other users encounter an issue with similar symptoms.
First if you are experiencing a crash you should check the Engine log files located in Resources > Logs on FME Server for any additional information on the error. If there is nothing reported you can also take a look in Windows Event Viewer to try and get some more info.
In this particular case there was a rogue fmeobjects.pyd file located in an ArcGIS Python directory and this was causing a conflict in FME, preventing the Engine from finding the correct fmeobject to load. Removing this file resolved the issue.
If you suspect this may be the issue you are encountering please create a new workspace with the Python Compatibility set to an FME Interpreter that will run successfully. Then add a Creator > PythonCaller and set the script to:
import fme
import fmeobjects
class FeatureProcessor(object):
def __init__(self):
def input(self,feature):
import sys
print("logging path")
for p in sys.path:
def close(self):
This should print a list of file paths in the translation log, check these locations for any fmeobjects, if any exist outside of the FME Server install directory, they do not belong there and this is preventing FME from being able to load the correct one. First try temporarily renaming this file and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, you should be ok to go ahead and delete the file, if you have any concerns about doing this then please contact Safe Software Support.