I have around 1300 las (lidar) files. For these las files i have a few shp files with breaklines and polygons where i should remove the ground. (houses/lakes/rivers)
I need to export contour lines for each las files using breaklines and also remove the ground inside those polygons.
Each block should have a buffer around them to fix the problem on the edge.
So i need to load each block with the buffer around it and generate contours after removing the ground and also to use the breaklines.
But here is another problem. i need to drop the lines first and filter them out base on z difference of each vertexes and keep only the original line that fits the z difference.
Now what i know to do so far (on a single block):
i manage to filter the lines.
is there a transformer to simply this? right now i compare each line start z and end z against each other
i know how to generate contours with breaklines.
i know how to remove points inside polygons.
i know to create a buffer around a tile
What i don't really know is how to do all the above for each block with neighbors inside that buffer and save contours in each file. I'm guessing i need a loop but i don't know how it works or how i should define it