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Reading and writing to ArcSDE Geodatabase problems in build 17539

  • September 6, 2017
  • 5 replies


When I read or write to/from my Arc sde geodatabases, I get <UNUSED>[GEODATABASE_SDE] and <NOT SET>[GEODATABASE_SDE] in the Navigator-panel. This occurred after I updated to the latest version. When I read from one database and try to write to another one, the process cast an error. If I do the same but replacing either the reader or writer with a file database(gdb), It works, even though I have the same<UNUSED> in front of the sde geodatabase. What am I missing in the settings?

5 replies

  • Safer
  • September 7, 2017

Could you share a log file of both attempts? Perhaps a screen grab of the navigator showing this?


Can you attempt to re-add the readers and writers?


You mention ArcSDE... do you have ArcGIS installed? Do you have the arcsde library files in place?

What version of FME did this last work in?

  • Author
  • September 7, 2017

Sorry, but I am not used to posting things on foras, so it will look awful but I hope it is good enough.

First is a screen cap of the Navigator-panel.

Here comes the log-file:


I have ArcGis 10.4.1(advanced) installed.

Unfortunately,I can't remember which FME build I upgraded from.

This is the clip from the workspace reading from the same ArcSDE-database and writing to a file-GDB. I still got the <not set> in front of the[GEODATABASE_SDE] but this time all features are read and written.

The problem occurs when I try to write/read between two different sde-databases.

I haven't thought about the sde-library. I have the Esri-edition of FME and took it for granted that it would work as before. Where do I find the library-file and what's the name of it? I looked in the plug-in-folder but I couldn't find a file having "ArcSDE" or similar in the name.

Sorry for my bad language, I'm Swedish. Thank you for all your efforts in helping me.

  • Safer
  • September 7, 2017

@klas_f Great! Thanks for sharing. So it's not related to missing ArcSDE libraries. I assumed you were referring to ArcSDE Legacy format but that is not the case here. Indeed you are using the Geodatabase SDE format, and that was clear in your original post. My apologies.



I see in the log file that this version of ArcGIS software getting loaded: Installed ArcGIS version is '2.0'. This indicates you have ArcGIS Pro installed as well. FME is finding first ArcGIS Pro libraries first.

I believe you may have had FME 32bit installed before, this would have used ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 as ArcGIS Pro is 64bit.

2 options: I suggest installing FME 32bit and trying the workspace again (install FME 32bit into a new folder to keep your FME 64bit installed) OR install the ArcGIS 64bit Background Processing extension for ArcGIS Desktop 10.4. That should allow FME 64bit to load ArcGIS Desktop libraries instead of ArcGIS Pro.

  • Author
  • September 8, 2017
I tried both options without success. It still casts the same error. Maybe I have some paths I need to change. I am not that familiar with the setup so it could be something wrong there. I'll keep on trying different approaches.



  • Author
  • September 8, 2017
steveatsafe wrote:

@klas_f Great! Thanks for sharing. So it's not related to missing ArcSDE libraries. I assumed you were referring to ArcSDE Legacy format but that is not the case here. Indeed you are using the Geodatabase SDE format, and that was clear in your original post. My apologies.



I see in the log file that this version of ArcGIS software getting loaded: Installed ArcGIS version is '2.0'. This indicates you have ArcGIS Pro installed as well. FME is finding first ArcGIS Pro libraries first.

I believe you may have had FME 32bit installed before, this would have used ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 as ArcGIS Pro is 64bit.

2 options: I suggest installing FME 32bit and trying the workspace again (install FME 32bit into a new folder to keep your FME 64bit installed) OR install the ArcGIS 64bit Background Processing extension for ArcGIS Desktop 10.4. That should allow FME 64bit to load ArcGIS Desktop libraries instead of ArcGIS Pro.

I tried both options without success. It still casts the same error. Maybe I have some paths I need to change. I am not that familiar with the setup so it could be something wrong there. I'll keep on trying different approaches.




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