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The input-data are in e57-formate and we want to split them up into a huge amount of small pnts-files for using them in Cesium JS.

We need a tileset.json-file for each pnts-file. There should be an overall tileset.json-file in an superior folder listing all children tileset.json-files.


Each generated file (pnts and tileset.jsons) should not exceed a specific file size (e.g. 2 MB).


We are using version FME 2023.0. Our workbench has an e57-point-cloud-reader, a PointCloudExpressionEvaluator, a PointCloudSplitter and a Cesium-point-cloud writer.


The data are splitted by the attribute set in the PointCloudSplitter.


How is it possible to get multilevel tileset.jsons?


We already created an superior tileset.json-file and many pnts-files. The problem in this case is the big size of the generated tileset.json.

In another case many tileset.json- and pnts-file-doublets. The problem in this case is the missing tileset.json-entry-file.



Check out the 3Dtiles-tools. There is a merge option there which might be helpful for you.

there might be some other functions in there which are helpful as well
