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Hello, I am trying to read AIXM 5.1 using FME.


I am using the Hungary eAIP data sample (



When I try to read or translate some of the airspaces that are defined by gml:CircleByCenterPoint, FME ignores units of measure for the radius and always takes the radius in degrees of lat/long - ergo if my center point has lat 10°, long 10° and radius 10, FME generates a circle that touches the 0°and 20°meridians and 0°and 20° parallels. Any idea what might be wrong with setting the units of measure?


Can it also have something to do with the coordinate system set in srsName of the surface?



Thanks for any replies









                           <aixm:upperLimit uom="FT">4000.0</aixm:upperLimit>




                           <aixm:maximumLimit xsi:nil="true"/>


                           <aixm:maximumLimitReference xsi:nil="true"/>


                           <aixm:lowerLimit uom="FT">0.0</aixm:lowerLimit>




                           <aixm:minimumLimit xsi:nil="true"/>


                           <aixm:minimumLimitReference xsi:nil="true"/>


                           <aixm:width xsi:nil="true"/>




                              <aixm:Surface srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326">




                                    <gml:PolygonPatch interpolation="planar">






                                             <gml:curveMember xlink:type="simple">






                                                      <gml:CircleByCenterPoint interpolation="circularArcCenterPointWithRadius" numArc="1">


                                                         <gml:pos>47.36388888888889 17.500555555555554</gml:pos>


                                                         <gml:radius uom="M">1000.0</gml:radius>


















                                 <aixm:horizontalAccuracy xsi:nil="true"/>






                           <aixm:centreline xsi:nil="true"/>


                           <aixm:contributorAirspace xsi:nil="true"/>




Similar issue when extracting the geomrty to _geometry. The uom disappeares.



Similar issue when extracting the geomrty to _geometry. The uom disappeares.


@webservicessia - probably best to record this as a new question. Comments on an old question rarely get answered. It's hard to spot the comment sometimes.


If you define the right coordinate-system EPSG:4326 then you should be able to generate the correct circles.


By the way I can't download any examples on your given link:

Can you provide a complete example file?
