I'm sure this must have been asked before but I can't find the answer.
I'm trying to break up a big image processing job by splitting up a directory of jpegs into sets and then passing each set to my worker workbench.
I'm trying to pass the group of jpegs as an list of files to the jpeg reader in the worker though the workspacerunner, however the list keeps being 'fixed' by the engine as it is passed in:
i.e my paths look like this (note i have spaces in my path so require quotes)
\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture1.jpeg
\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture2.jpeg
If i run this (succesfully) in the worker directly the reader string looks like this:
"\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture1.jpeg","\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture2.jpeg"
so following the guidance in here http://docs.safe.com/fme/html/FME_Server_Documentation/Default.htm#ServerConsole/Arguments_Quotation_Escaping.htm
I set my master workbench to pass the string as:
""""\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture1.jpeg"",""\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture2.jpeg"""""
however the worker fails saying it can't find the files, mainly because the paths now read
\\\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture1.jpeg,\\prodds\\a folder\\a picture2.jpeg
i.e. no quotes remain and the leading slash of the second and subsequent files are removed.
(it looks to me like the engine tries to 'fix' the multiple paths into a single path for some reason)
I've tried using the unix path and single quotes instead of double all to no avail.
Can anybody help, or suggest another way of splitting up a bunch of jpegs (couldn't get the start from feature, read features trick working either)