I'm experiencing this problem when trying to reproject a raster from new to old french coordinate system using grid interpolation (RGF93_to_NTF-G-Grid-ClrkIGN_FME).
apparently it only happens when using ecw writer, (or at least not with geotiff writer)
The reprojection itself is good but the coordinate system writed to the ecw file is wrong.
Basically, I'm telling FME to write epsg:27562, (Lambert 2 centre) but the final ecw file is writed with epsg:27582... (Lambert 2 Carto).
I use these transformers :
jpeg 2000 reader (epsg:2154) > csmapreprojector > ecw writer (epsg:27562)
FME version : 2016.1.3.2 - build 16717 Win64
Thanks for any idea...