Hello there, Im using the Shortest path finder transformer to analyse best routes from A 's to B's where the network is a road system. There is however a bit of flexibility in my project where the route could sometimes go "offroad" to skip going long detours. So i used my MS Paint superskills to explain what I mean.
Lets say that the black lines in the road system (network) and the yellow line represent the best result from ShortestPathFinder for getting from A to B. But it needs to take that tedious detour to west and then east again and i would want to allow it to take the green dotted detour instead (marked , even if there is no road present there.
Pretty sure that the ShortestPathFinder does not have that option so I was wondering if anyone here has a suggestion how to solve this? And then in a way that you can set a snapping tolerance requirement for shortcuts (for example has to be max 10m a part for it to be allowed) or it wont happen. And in a way you can process multiple routes for multiple destinations at a time (my feature set has best routes for about 40K A's to about 10K B's).
How about it?