I want to take the results of a SQL expression (SQL Executor) that returns a format like:
POLYGON((2861292.56247401 15394288.32744411,2861296.63792518 15394295.48523819,2861287.86169601 15394300.48260353,2861283.78591676 15394293.32480944,2861292.56247401 15394288.32744411))
and generate an fme polygon object without first writing the geometry json to a file.
I have looked at FeatureReader and ESRI JSON reader. Looks like the variable passed is expected to be a file.
The issue I have is the new ArcSDE Geodb reader reads Esri Annotation geometry as a point. The annotation geometry type is stored as polygon. I need to get the polygon like I had before with the Esri Legacy Reader.