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Also "MULTIPOLYGON (((4.9086662233849 52.753664580098, 4.9151035250207 52.749014947513, 4.9148889482994 52.748742188294, 4.9156828821679 52.748157698504, 4.9128719271203 52.746547063843, 4.9067350328942 52.750989153809, 4.9072071016808 52.751261898961, 4.905790895321 52.752222987318, 4.9086662233849 52.753664580098)))"can i create a geometry with this data?

Yes, that is a OGC WKT geometry description. You can use the GeometryReplacer to do that, select the correct encoding (OGC Well Known Text) and the attribute. Then use a CoordinateSystemSetter afterwards to set the correct coordinate system, I am assuming LL84 in which case these geometries end up somewhere in Noord Holland.

Yes, that is a OGC WKT geometry description. You can use the GeometryReplacer to do that, select the correct encoding (OGC Well Known Text) and the attribute. Then use a CoordinateSystemSetter afterwards to set the correct coordinate system, I am assuming LL84 in which case these geometries end up somewhere in Noord Holland.

Thanks for the answer, it works
