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I have a DGN file, so I need to join them with  geometry but there are many problems like conflicts, for example two texts closest of the same geometry, or the name of river is divided three parts...
I forgot of the details about DGN file:


- There are texts(labels from rivers) and lines(rivers). - There is not default of insertion of texts.
Should I have any problem of conception? 



have you looked at the igds_graphics_group format attribute?



Depending on your DGN, the values could be shared between the geometries and their corresponding labels.



Hi David! yes, I already had looked this and unfortunately the value of  the attribute is zero. I think the unique solution is NeighborFinder but it's too complicate to use this.



If your DGN files come from MicroStation Geographics, you might also have one or more MSLINK attributes that link the geometries to their database attributes. I recommend checking if there are MSLINK values available in your DGN and if they correspond between the geometries and their labels.



Thanks again for answer but there is not MSLINK, I think the closer neighbor can will be the unique solution, I will have to implement an  algorithm (python/C/java) like operational search techiniques
