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Grid conversion between British and Irish Grid?

  • 6 December 2012
  • 4 replies

Hi there,



I've recently purchased some data from the Irish Ordnance Survey (.dtm format) which is supplied on the Irish Grid. I would like to convert this data to British Grid for use with other data I already have.



When I purchased this Irish data I was recommended FME software, which I must admit I'd never heard of before, but working regularly with mapping and terrain data it's something I'm really interested in.



I downloaded the trial version to have a look at the software's capabilities, but can't seem to figure out a way to do convert this data? Any help or advice would be much appreciated, I am at a loss! 



I've tried to contact FME for both technical support and a personalised demonstration, but to no avail as yet.



If it is just a matter of reprojecting the data, you can specify the input data coordinate system in the reader and the required coordinate system in the writer. If that does not work you can use the reprojector transformer, however according to the documentation:


"You should use this transformer only in rare instances. It is better to use the workspace Navigator view to set the source and destination coordinate systems for the translation."



Hope this helps.
Hi there, I'd be pleased to offer you a personal demonstration of FME as my company 1Spatial is an FME reseller. We have offices in Cambridge, UK and Cork, Ireland so could easily setup a webinar session to show you what you'd need to do. We also have plenty of experience working with this data as we help the OSi to build some of their core products. Please feel free to email me on to set this up if you are interested. More details available here
Thanks for your responses!



Itay, I have tried this and it seems to work (transformation sucessful!) but when I load it into the software program I need to use it in, it locates in the what looks like the correct place (so the coordinate reprojection looks successful,) but there is no data?



And when I try and open the output file from FME in notepad, the file is a load of empty lines? Is there something obvious I'm missing?



Dave, thanks for your offer, I'll drop you an email to get something organised as I know there must be a lot of features of FME I would probably be interested in! (Once I figure out how they work!)



Hi Lisa,



I am not familiar with the format you are using, thats why the general approach... in the case of reprojecting raster data, you better use the RasterGeoreferencer transformer.


Hope this helps,


