I use XMLTemplater to make my GML file. But I can not cope with Geometry templates (I am new in using this and cann't find some tutorials for it). Because I cann't get geometry (point, curve, surface and multi-surface) from my feature, I used GeometryExtractor to extract my geometry into new attribute and then I simply store it where I need.
But GeometryExtractor gives me this:
<gml:MultiSurface xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" srsDimension="2">
<gml:posList>6436765.27 4948428.28 6436763.31 4948427.66 6436766.45 4948422.08 6436770.67 4948418.79 ... 6436765.27 4948428.28</gml:posList>
I don't have point separators here, as well as the appropriate signs (< >). What I need to do and how, to succeed in this? Does anyone has some tutorial (not FME Help) for this).