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Changing greyscale hillshading to colour

  • 20 March 2013
  • 3 replies

Hi there,


Having problems with some hillshaded geotiffs of height data. They are greyscale at the moment but I cannot work out how to change them to coloured output.  Have tried the "Feature Colour Setter" but without much use!



Does anyone have any help or ideas for me please?!!
It very much depends on how you are going about it? If you are creating polygons to shade say different levels of altitude or perhaps show flooding, you could rasterise those into your images having first coloured them, perhaps using the AttributeRangeFilter, followed by several FeatureColorSetter's and then ultimately into the VectorOnRasterOverlayer...



However, if its a more traditional approach how far have you got with the RasterHillshader?



...further still this may help, though once you have created the shading layer you may need to manipulate the bands before you combine it with your topo map.


Here is a possible solution using ImageMagick, a free library for raster/photo manipulations. It can be fairly easily integrated into an FME process using batch scripting, etc.



The example linked above show you how to replace a grayscale raster with a color ramp using custom colors.



Thank you so much for your helpful answers!! Most appreciated!
