Hello There
the workspace work with no error on the FME desktop but when published on the FME server I am getting this error
(The clause 'JSON_DOCUMENT @EvaluateExpression(FDIV,STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>text_line_data<closeparen>,JSONValidator) READ_FROM_FILE NO FILEPATH_OR_URL <Unused>' within 'FACTORY_DEF * JSONFormatterFactory FACTORY_NAME JSONValidator INPUT FEATURE_TYPE UUIDGenerator_OUTPUT JSON_DOCUMENT @EvaluateExpression(FDIV,STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>text_line_data<closeparen>,JSONValidator) READ_FROM_FILE NO FILEPATH_OR_URL <Unused> FORMAT NONE SYNTAX_ERROR_LIST_ATTR _json_error OUTPUT OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE JSONValidator_PASSED OUTPUT INVALID FEATURE_TYPE JSONValidator_FAILED' is incorrect. The parameter to JSON_DOCUMENT must be a constant value, a value-of (&) attribute, or an FME function call)
Any idea please ??
this is the Json transformaer section of the WS