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INSPIRE Theme Version Support

  • April 15, 2024
  • 4 replies


From the FME Documentation about the INSPIRE GML Reader/Writer I read that "FME supports themes up to and including v4.0.". I tried to validate my FME INSPIRE GML output (for theme PS) with the INPIRE Reference Validator, but the test fails. On the support platform it is noted that the test that fails, "Validation against INSPIRE official schema", tests against the new version 5 of the schema. They recommend generating the GML according to the new version 5 of the GML. Can FME already do that, or do I have to wait for a new version of the INSPIRE GML writer?

4 replies


Hi @helmoetz 

The INSPIRE GML Writer allows you to specify an Application Schema, so theoretically you can provide the correct version 5.0 schema for the theme PS.


The latest release of the INSPIRE Schema is available here:

  • Safer
  • April 16, 2024

Thanks for asking about the updated INSPIRE version 5 schemas. The short answer is that yes, FME’s INSPIRE GML writer should be able to generate valid / compliant GML for those themes that have version 5 schemas. No need to wait for a new version of the INSPIRE writer. All you need to do is add a new INSPIRE writer then in the writer parameters use ‘Select Feature Types by XSD’ and use the appropriate application schema path such as ‘’ This will avoid using the INSPIRE schemas that come with FME and instead use the latest EU application schemas from the official INSPIRE repository.

Normally we deliver the schemas with FME since it improves performance and they are not updated very often. But in cases such as this you can override this and use the latest available schemas by referencing them directly. Note that you could also do the same thing with our generic GML writer in app schema mode. While in theory you could change from Theme mode to XSD mode and then update your writer and feature types, in practice its probably cleaner to just add a new writer and new feature types and avoid confusing the 2 versions.

Note that it seems that these themes are being updated on a theme by theme basis. For example PS has a version 5 schema but CP cadastral parcels and GN geographic names still have version 4 as their latest available version. So perhaps only those themes that needed updates got a new version. We will look into whether or not version 5 schema updates are complete yet, and if so we can look into incorporating these latest schemas in our INSPIRE writer so you dont have to point to the schemas on the INSPIRE registry.

Give this a try and let us know if you have any additional trouble with validation.

  • Author
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  • April 17, 2024

@deanatsafe , @danminneyatsaf  Thanks for the anwer. This is indeed what I tried earlier, since our workspace uses a FeatureWriter that is reading a database field to determine the actual schemalocation. So adjusting the parameter value in the database and run the workspace. However, I tested the results and it failed. I will test it again and report back. 


  • Author
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  • April 19, 2024

Hi @deanatsafe , @danminneyatsaf , I rechecked it, and found out that the InspireId.LocalID in the version 4.0 xsd has been replaced by InspireId.LocalId in the version 5.0 xsd, which caused my setup to fail. I corrected this and now it runs fine. Thanks!


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