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What's Up Wednesday: FME News for the Week Ending 9-April-2021


Welcome to a lovely spring edition of What’s Up Wednesday


FME World Fair

The FME World Fair schedule is now live! See what presentations you’d like to attend. Be sure to register to get the full agenda once it’s released directly into your inbox (it’s free!). 




FME Training

The free online course Getting Started with the FME Platform is happening next week on April 12th and will be using FME 2021 as well as a new FME Desktop scenario. Check it out! 


Other course offerings:

Getting Started with the FME Platform - May 26th, 2021, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT

Integrate Data with the FME Platform - June 22nd - 23rd, 2021, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT




There’s a new blog post about Connecting to APIs and Webhooks in No Time (with No Code). It’s also a great read if you want to learn the difference between APIs and Webhooks!


March FME Hub Contributions

Last month the FME Hub saw six new contributions:

  • Azure Event Hubs: A package that contains the AzureEventHubsConnector which publishes or receives messages asynchronously on the Azure Event Hubs service.
  • AddressStreetSuffixAbbreviationExpander: This transformer converts street suffix abbreviations in an address.
  • DWGEntitySetter: This transformer creates the format attribute autocad_entity and sets it to the value chosen by the user.
  • HTMLLabelsDemo: An example of using wkhtml2image command line tool for creating raster labels for texturing 3D geometries. The output goes to FMEAR format used with FME AR app.
  • SingleCharacterAttributeSplitter: This transformer splits a string into a list with each element a single character of the incoming attribute.
  • StringInserter: This transformer lets you insert a new section of string into a particular part of an existing string.

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