Probably a question without an easy answer but like to pick your minds:
We use GeoCortex Essentials for our map viewers. We added Workflows (.NET) to the viewers as custom user interfaces to communicate with FME server via API. (Simple things: upload (log)file, choose CRS, proces data, add data to gdb, wait for a succesful from FME server, refresh mapservice.)
This works very well in Test but fails in Production. Test and Production are not exact duplicates; In Test Essentials and FME Server are installed on the same machine. In Production Essentials and FME Server are installed on different machines. The requests from Essentials are TLS 1.0 and FME Server API seems not to accept these. We can fix this by sending the requests via a proxy but this feels fishy. All installations are outsourced so we are a bit limited in IT changes.
As an alternative I can create json files with the parameters I would like to send the API over post and a DirectoryWatcher to receive the json with FME Server. This works but it is not real communication, just one system reacting on another one. Communicating back to the user interface ("This action will remove 5 objects, proceed?") is lost.
Do other routes exist? Just want to make sure I don't miss something I don't know...